Safety Management System Audit - Oshawa Executive Airport

HM Aero was contracted to complete a full audit of the Oshawa Executive Airport Safety Management System over a three year period beginning in 2020:

  1. Year 1: Pandemic Response Plan, Snow Removal and Ice Control Plan, Safety Management Manual, and a review of internal audits performed by the Airport. 

  2. Year 2: Emergency Response Plan, Wildlife Management Plan , TP312 5th Edition Infrastructure, and a performance review of all activities authorized under the airport certificate.

  3. Year 3: Airport Operations Manual, Obligations of the Airport Operator, and TP312 4th Edition Infrastructure.

Client: Total Aviation & Airport Solutions


  • Safety Management System Auditing

  • Manual Reviews

  • TP312 4th and 5th Edition Assessments

Project Completed: 2020-2022


Canadian Community Airports Profile - Canadian Owners and Pilots Association