Taxiway Preliminary Design - Whitehorse International Airport

HM Aero was retained by the Yukon Government to complete a series of projects to improve the level of service of the Code B Taxiway G at Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport. The first work component included an options analysis to identify potential design aircraft (Boeing 737 and ATR 42), two conceptual designs per TP312 5th Edition, and Class ‘C’ cost estimates.

Following the completion of the options analysis, HM Aero was retained to lead a geotechnical assessment and topographic survey of the area around Taxiway G. The HM Aero project team oversaw three sub-consultants through the completion of borehole investigations. Finally, HM Aero undertook the preliminary design work for the relocation of Taxiway G. This included an on-site stakeholder consultation with tenants, the preparation of a 60% civil and electrical design package, and Class ‘B’ cost estimates.

Client: Yukon Government


  • Airfield Pavement Design

  • Project Management

  • Survey and Geotechnical Coordination

Project Completed: 2020


Airfield Preliminary Design - Kenora Airport


Runway Rehabilitation Design - North Peace Regional Airport