Strategic and Tactical Plan - Golden Municipal Airport
Following the unanimous acceptance of HM Aero’s Viability Study by Town Council in October 2020, the project team was commissioned to prepare a 10-Year Strategic and Tactical Plan for Golden Airport. The Plan is to serve as an actionable and systematic strategy to ensuring the long-term success of Golden Airport. An important consideration throughout the planning process was ensuring all recommendations were targeted and have clearly definable benefits, given the limited fiscal capacity of the Town.
A key finding of the Viability Study was the need for the participation of the Columbia Shuswap Regional District in airport governance and capital funding. HM Aero recommended interim (Airport Committee) and long-term (Airport Commission) governance models to facilitate the Regional District’s involvement.
To reduce the financial burdens of the Town in implementing the capital projects recommended over the next 10 years, five grant programs at the provincial and federal levels were identified which can be leveraged by the municipality. HM Aero also prepared a fair and competitive aeronautical rates and fees structure and completed a comprehensive review of the Town’s land lease rates.
HM Aero reviewed different options for the facility’s management and operations, balancing the level of service provided at the Airport with the pragmatic consideration of the Town’s financial resources and competing priorities. The recommended short-term strategy focusses on empowering staff with additional training while adopting a trigger-based approach to level of service improvements.
To pursue the business development opportunities identified in the Viability Study, HM Aero outlined strategic partnerships with organizations such as Tourism Golden and Imagine Kootenay, as well as marketing strategies that can be undertaken. Communication recommendations were also made to improve regional awareness and the Airport’s online presence.
Client: Town of Golden
Governance Recommendations
Administration and Operations Review
Capital Planning and Financial Management
Grant Program Identification
Intergovernmental Cooperation Strategy
Business Development Strategy
Project Completed: March 2021