Viability Study - Golden Municipal Airport

The Town of Golden has amassed a significant corporate infrastructure deficit which has compelled the Town to re-evaluate its service levels and prepare long-term financial strategies to ensure core infrastructure is maintained. Under the purview of responsible asset management, the Town retained HM Aero to undertake a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the current use, benefits, infrastructure, and operations of Golden Airport. Based on the understanding of the Airport’s existing conditions, the project team was then directed to prepare three business cases that considered:

  1. The Airport’s closure and sale;

  2. A shift to helicopter only operations; and

  3. The continued operation of the Airport.

A cornerstone of HM Aero’s strategy was a robust stakeholder consultation program that engaged over 600 respondents through an online survey and 60 individuals through an online public session. Interviews were completed with over 50 stakeholders from 38 aviation and non-aviation organizations, including all levels of government, tenants and operators, tourism entities, and key service providers such as BC Air Ambulance.

HM Aero found that Golden Airport supports close to 30 Full-Time Equivalent positions, $2.5M in annual labour income, and adds $3.0M to the regional Gross Domestic Product. The Airport also provides key social benefits to the region, including operations by BC Air Ambulance, STARS, Golden and District Search and Rescue, and the Southeast Fire Centre.

Based on the benefits of Golden Airport and a thorough evaluation of the three business cases, HM Aero recommended that the facility continues to be operated as an aerodrome. Following the unanimous acceptance of the Viability Study by Town Council, HM Aero was commissioned to prepare a Strategic and Tactical Plan to provide a systematic guide to furthering the social and economic benefits of Golden Airport.

Client: Town of Golden


  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Infrastructure Assessment

  • Social and Economic Impact Assessment

  • Financial, Operational, and Governance Assessment

  • Regulatory Analysis

  • Proforma Financial Forecasting

  • Business Case Analysis

Project Completed: October 2020


Strategic Master Plan - Prince Albert Airport


Master Plan - Lloydminster Airport