Master Plan - Iroquois Falls Airport

Iroquois Falls Airport is a community aerodrome located in northern Ontario which was built in 1929. The Airport is generally underutilized and primarily supports air ambulance, law enforcement, and general aviation activity. To support the Town’s economic development strategy of increasing the usage of the Airport, HM Aero was retained to complete a 20-Year Airport Master Plan.

Through the stakeholder consultation program, a recurring theme was the social benefit of the Airport in supporting life-saving air ambulance flights. Accordingly, HM Aero recommended a focused series of cost-effective projects that will improve the Airport’s ability to serve medevac activity while also supporting limited aviation and non-aeronautical development. This included the recommended provision of aviation fuel, a meteorological observation and reporting system, and Instrument Flight Procedures.

While Airport Master Plans often assume that growth and development are likely to occur in the future, the regional socioeconomic analysis and modest activity forecasts led the project team to adopt a “right-sized” planning strategy. Recommendations were focused on maintaining and rehabilitating critical Airport infrastructure, including the primary runway and visual navigation aids. To lessen the Town’s financial pressures in operating the Airport, the project team also recommended the closure of the surplus third turf runway.

In line with the Town’s economic strategy, the project team studied revenue generation and development opportunities that are both feasible to implement and possible to occur. Significant consideration was given to the use of surplus lands for non-aviation purposes, including photovoltaic power generation, advertising, agricultural cropping, and highway commercial development.

Based on the preceding matters, the team prepared a capital plan and proforma financial statement to guide the Town in making responsible and cost-effective Airport decisions.

Client: Town of Iroquois Falls


  • Airport Master Planning

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Aviation Activity Forecasts

  • Capital Planning

  • Proforma Financial Forecasts

  • Business Development Planning

  • Land Use Planning

Project Completed: January 2020


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