Feasibility Study and Business Case - Niagara District Airport & Niagara Central Airport

In 2019, HM Aero was retained by the Regional Municipality of Niagara to prepare a Feasibility Study and Business Case examining and quantifying the economic potential of two airports in the Niagara Peninsula – Niagara District Airport and Niagara Central Airport. The objectives of the study were to: develop airport profiles for both facilities, complete infrastructure assessments of airport-owned facilities, identify airport roles within the southern Ontario Context, review airport financial history, identify business development opportunities to increase the economic potential of both airports, develop Class ‘C’ cost estimates, and prepare 20-year business cases for both facilities.

The study was delivered in late 2019 and resulted in identification of several scheduled and charter passenger air service and general aviation commercial opportunities for Niagara District Airport within the next 20 years.  Furthermore, through research, consultations and analysis, HM Aero identified more than six general aviation commercial and recreational opportunities for Niagara Central Airport.

The Feasibility Study and Business Case also identified constraints and challenges related to the future economic success of both facilities that should be addressed by the Regional Municipality to better position the facilities as economic engines within Niagara, including consideration of airport governance policy changes.

Client: Regional Municipality of Niagara


  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Infrastructure Assessment

  • Financial Review

  • Business Development Opportunity Identification

  • Development Concept Preparation

  • Revenue and Expenditures Forecast

Project Completed: January 2020


Development Guidelines - Tillsonburg Regional Airport


Master Plan - Iroquois Falls Airport