Prioritization Study - Lillooet Airport

Lillooet Airport is owned and operated by the District of Lillooet. In recent years, the District has considered potential business development and growth opportunities that may exist for the Airport, as well as the merits of three capital projects to facilitate the pursuit of these opportunities and to improve the facility’s level of service. HM Aero was retained by the District to prepare a study that considers the business development and growth opportunities that may exist for the Airport, as well as the merits and needs of the three key capital projects: the extension of Runway 14-32; the installation of airfield lighting and associated infrastructure to support aircraft operations during hours of darkness; and the construction of District-owned aircraft hangars.

The study included a robust community outreach program that engaged over 150 residents and 12 stakeholder organizations. Over the course of the project, HM Aero worked to analyze community feedback to further understand services of importance to residents – most notably, the provision of air ambulance and wildfire suppression services. To that effect, the previously identified capital projects were evaluated for the degree to which they contribute to community priorities. Additional projects identified for consideration by District Council including the replacement of the terminal building (a key asset for wildfire and air ambulance crews) and the rehabilitation of the facility’s runway, taxiway, and apron.

HM Aero’s report was unanimously adopted by District Council in December 2021 and its recommendations will be addressed by District Staff in the coming years. HM Aero also provided supplementary consulting services to assist District Staff with determining crack filling priorities, marking obstacles in the vicinity of the airport, and airport compatible land use planning.

Client: District of Lillooet


  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Business Opportunities Analysis

  • Capital Planning

  • Grant Funding Analysis

Project Completed: December 2021


Master Plan - Sarnia Chris Hadfield Airport


Strategic Plan - Goderich Regional Airport