Master Plan - Sarnia Chris Hadfield Airport

In December 2021, HM Aero and IDEA were retained by the City of Sarnia to prepare a Master Plan for Sarnia Chris Hadfield Airport. HM Aero commenced work on this assignment during a unique time in the airport’s history – with the withdrawal of scheduled passenger services in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, the facility became reliant on municipal subsidization to sustain operations.
A significant infrastructure deficit had also amassed due to multiple decades of underinvestment in airfield asset lifecycle rehabilitation projects. Accordingly, City Councillors and the public at large were divided on whether the City of Sarnia should have a continued role in sustaining the facility or whether it should be divested.

HM Aero’s consultation process engaged over 900 residents and 50 key stakeholders to support the planning and analysis process. The Master Plan included a fulsome evaluation of the regional social and economic context, the airport’s historical financial and operational performance, and its social and economic benefits to serve as the foundation for subsequent planning. HM Aero prepared a pragmatic multi-year strategy for the $19M recapitalization of the facility’s infrastructure , including a detailed terminal reconfiguration and expansion plan to support the restoration of scheduled passenger air services. HM Aero also prepared plans to support business development, a revised governance and funding model, and the revision of rates and fees.

A unique element of the project is the evolution of its scope of work following its initiation to include a fulsome analysis of the airport’s: 1) social and economic benefits; 2) current and projected future operating and capital financial performance; and 3) potential future development and revenue generation opportunities, in addition to all other elements typical of an Airport Master Plan. This task culminated in a recommendation for the City of Sarnia’s involvement as the airport’s funding partner with increased oversight and stake in its future.

The Airport Master Plan was presented to City Council in April 2022. City Council voted to implement a three-year subsidization package to sustain airport operations while work continues by the City to attract a new scheduled air carrier.

Client: City of Sarnia


  • Airport Master Planning

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Market Opportunity Assessment

  • Development and Land Use Planning

  • Economic Impact Analysis

  • Social Impact Analysis

  • Business and Strategic Planning

  • Demand and Financial Forecasting

  • Governance and Administration Strategy

Project Completed: April 2022


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