Certification Review - Dawson City Airport

The Yukon Government retained HM Aero to complete a technical review of airport certification and operational recommendations put forth by Transport Canada to allow for scheduled passenger operations using Boeing 737-500 aircraft at Dawson City Airport. 

The project objectives were to confirm that the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces were clear of obstructions and aligned with the Instrument Flight Procedures; verify the visibility of the Precision Approach Path Indicators from the final approach waypoints; and ensure aircraft operating within the visual Precision Approach Path Indicators range are provided with adequate separation from obstacles.

The study provided recommendations for increasing obstacle protection for the proposed Obstacle Limitation Surfaces and Precision Approach Path Indicator configurations to achieve the project objectives.  HM Aero recommended that new approach slopes and offsets for Precision Approach Path Indicators be implemented following a detailed stakeholder engagement program with air carriers and Transport Canada.  Future consultations with NAV CANADA, Instrument Flight Procedure redesigns, and detailed Precision Approach Path Indicator siting and design efforts were also recommended as part of the study.

Client: Yukon Government


  • Obstacle Assessment

  • TP312 5th Edition Standards Review

  • Aircraft Performance Evaluation

  • Airport Certification Evaluation

Project Completed: 2019


Noise Abatement - Oshawa Executive Airport


Lightning Detection Study - Whitehorse International Airport