Airfield Recapitalization - Eureka Aerodrome

In the summer of 2021, HM Aero was retained as a subconsultant to Outcome Consultants Inc. to serve as the owner’s onsite representative during construction of airfield pavement and electrical systems at Eureka Aerodrome. The project was completed in an austere environment characterized by logistical and communication challenges, as well as a distinct seasonal time constraint for completion. HM Aero worked closely with a wide range of stakeholders including Public Services and Procurement Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Department of National Defense, the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory, and the contractor to coordinate construction sequencing and document progress.

HM Aero acted in the best interest of the owner by ensuring onsite safety, verifying design specifications, conducting independent topographical surveys for validation, and protecting for continued airport operations during construction. Construction was completed in September 2021. HM Aero was responsible for reviewing closeout and as-built submittals and supported publication updates to Transport Canada and NAV CANADA.

Prime Consultant: Outcome Consultants Inc.

Client: Public Services and Procurement Canada


  • Resident Site Supervision

  • Owner’s Representative

  • Regulatory Coordination

Project Completed: 2021


Airfield Rehabilitation - Golden Municipal Airport


Airfield Preliminary Design - Kenora Airport