Airfield Rehabilitation - Golden Municipal Airport

In 2021, HM Aero worked on behalf of the Town of Golden to prepare a successful grant funding application through the Regional Air Transportation Initiative for the detailed engineering design for Runway 14-32; Taxiways A and B; and Aprons I, II, and III. HM Aero was subsequently retained by the Town to advance the project to tender-ready status. Working with geotechnical and surveying subconsultants, HM Aero oversaw all aspects of the assignment and acted as the lead engineering firm accountable for successful delivery of the detailed design and tender package. HM Aero’s engineering team worked closely with the Town to collect information related to construction history, confirm stakeholder requirements, and prepare a construction staging plan to preserve the operational integrity of the airport during construction.  The pavement rehabilitation design for the runway, taxiway, and apron surfaces was prepared in accordance with Transport Canada’s TP312 - Aerodrome Standards and Recommended Practices (5th Edition), including updates to grading requirements surrounding the runway.

Client: Town of Golden


  • Airfield Pavement Design

  • Survey and Geotechnical Coordination

  • Grant Funding Application

  • Tendering

Project Completed:

  • Detailed Design: March 2022

  • Tendering: May 2023


Airfield Lighting Rehabilitation - Rockcliffe Airport


Airfield Recapitalization - Eureka Aerodrome