Airfield Lighting Rehabilitation- Rockcliffe Airport

Phase 1 - Design Basis Memorandum

In the fall of 2021, HM Aero and Gibbings Consulting were retained by Ingenium to identify requirements and Class ‘C’ cost estimates to replace the lighting system associated with Runway 09-27 at Rockcliffe Airport.  The existing aerodrome lighting system dated back to the 1970s and only one-third of the runway was equipped with edge lighting.

HM Aero worked closely with Ingenium to prepare a Design Basis Memorandum that identified specific lighting requirements including edge lighting, threshold/end lighting, wing bars, taxiway edge lights, PAPIs and illuminated signage.  The project team also completed an obstacle analysis to confirm placement of thresholds for Runways 09 and 27 and to identify obstacles for removal as per the requirements of TP312 5th Edition.

Phase 2 - Detailed Design and Tendering

Following acceptance of the Design Basis Memorandum, Ingenium commissioned HM Aero and Gibbings Consulting in early 2022 to prepare the detailed design and tender documents to solicit contractors to complete the work in the fall of the same year. The detailed design exercise included the preparation of 60%, 95%, and Issue for Tender design submissions, specifications, and tender packages.  HM Aero also defined Safety Management System and NOTAM requirements, safety protocols and procedures for construction, and completed a NAV CANADA Land Use Submission.  Advance tenders were issued for airfield lighting equipment to ensure availability for construction in 2022 and HM Aero assisted Ingenium by identifying equipment requirements and suppliers, and preparing tender documents.

Phase 3 - Owner’s Representative and Resident Site Supervision

Following the completion of the tender process, HM Aero and Gibbings Consulting were retained by Ingenium for resident site supervision and Owner’s Representative services. Construction activities were completed in Q2 2023 with the upgraded airfield lighting system now meeting the long-term needs of Rockcliffe Airport’s users and maximizing aviation safety.

Client: Ingenium (Canadian Aviation and Space Museum)


  • Geotechnical Investigation Coordination

  • Airfield Lighting Design and Cost Estimates

  • Tender and Specification Preparation

  • Plan of Construction Operations and Staging

  • Resident Site Supervision

  • Owner’s Representative

  • Project Management

Project Completed:

  • Design and Tender: 2022

  • Construction: 2023


Taxiway Rehabilitation - Sarnia Airport


Airfield Rehabilitation - Golden Municipal Airport