Taxiway Rehabilitation - Sarnia Chris Hadfield Airport

In 2022, HM Aero was retained by the City of Sarnia to provide engineering and construction planning services for the rehabilitation of Taxiway A. Taxiway A was constructed in 1967 and was observed by the project team to be in very poor condition with evidence of medium to high severity map and block cracking throughout most of the surface.

HM Aero supported the City’s in-house engineering team throughout the rehabilitation planning project through the provision of geotechnical investigation coordination, design, and cost estimating services. HM Aero identified a preferred construction strategy to reduce capital and operating costs through the narrowing of Taxiway A to 10.5 m and the installation of solar-powered edge lighting. A revised geometric design was prepared to reflect the reduced width while preserving the runway interface.

Ahead of construction, HM Aero led all regulatory activities including the preparation of a phased Plan of Construction Operations to minimize operational disruptions. The taxiway rehabilitation project was successfully completed in 2022, ensuring that Taxiway A will continue to meet the needs of the airport’s general aviation users.

Client: City of Sarnia


  • Geotechnical Investigation Coordination

  • Pavement Rehabilitation Design

  • Airfield Lighting Design

  • Cost Estimating

  • Construction Sequencing

  • Plan of Construction Operations

  • NAV CANADA Coordination

Project Completed: 2022


Airfield Lighting Rehabilitation - Rockcliffe Airport