Runway Rehabilitation Design and ACAP Application - North Peace Regional Airport

Following the founding of HM Aero, HM Aero staff were requested by their previous employer to continue their work with the North Peace Airport Society to plan and design a runway rehabilitation program. With the intent of applying for federal funding through Transport Canada’s Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP), this assignment considered the rehabilitation of Runway 03-21 (6,700’ x 200’), including the removal of existing pavements to reduce its width, partial depth pavement rehabilitation, subdrain removals and installations, new runway edge lighting, and the application of pavement markings.  HM Aero staff were responsible for developing a construction strategy; advancing the design to 50% completion; documenting and executing design comments and feedback from the client; coordinating with Transport Canada; preparing a preliminary construction staging plan; developing construction cost estimates; and preparing an ACAP application for submission.

In addition to the above, HM Aero staff were responsible for coordinating a subsurface drainage system inspection, electrical system inspection, geotechnical investigation, and a pavement rehabilitation design. Two design options to support Pavement Load Ratings of 9.2 and 10 were considered and the rehabilitated runway was designed to TP312 5th Edition Aircraft Group Number IIIA - Non-Precision standards.

The Airport Society received $8.2M in funding for the runway rehabilitation project through ACAP and Northern Development Initiative Trust support, and construction was completed in 2021.

Client: North Peace Airport Society


  • Project Management

  • Transport Canada Coordination

  • Construction Staging

  • Preliminary Design

  • Subsurface Drainage and Geotechnical Investigation Coordination

  • Cost Estimates

Project Completed: March 2019


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